Thursday, November 29, 2012

Virgil's Rootbeer

Virgil's Rootbeer is has been made since 1916, until it was bought out by Reed's Inc in 1999.


Finally, a glass bottle
I like the design on the bottle. The art work is very nice, mildly reminiscent of a Norman Rockwell painting.

A very manly Norman Rockwell painting
On the back they give a nice explanation of the origins of the soda, and on the side they tell you all the different flavors and spices used.

And it comes in a glass bottle. I prefer glass bottles to cans or plastic any day. Glass bottles allow the flavors inside to mature and mingle better. Also, plastic bottles breath and lose carbonation over time. Glass bottles hold the carbonation of the soda constant. So whatever carbonation levels you put into the bottle is what you get out.

Appearance Score

8/10 Attractive, caught my eye.


First and foremost, all soda's in general, and this one in particular, taste better chilled. Drink this one after it's been in a very cold fridge for a very long time. Do not insult the craftsmanship by drinking it warm or on ice.

The first sip of Virgil's is interesting. The front taste is a very well executed generic root beer. It has a round creamy flavor. The carbonation levels are nice.

And then as the soda sits on your tongue the flavors develop. The spices work they're way out of the woodwork. I tasted hints of anise, mint, clove and birch in it. It is a very complex, mature flavor.

And then the soda fades nicely into a sweet, mellow aftertaste. It took me a bit to decide that I liked Virgil's soda. The flavor is a bit large and overbearing to really appreciate at first, but as you go, you get more and more of the notes, and really start to notice all of the subtle things. I don't really liked the licorice flavors in it, because I dislike licorice fundamentally, but it really complements the rootbeer and I'm glad it was in there.
There is an interesting thing to note about Virgil's Rootbeer. It might have been the metal of the cap wearing off, but the rootbeer actually had a savory smell to it. It was interesting, and a little off putting, but ultimately had no bearing on the taste.

Taste Score

8/10 Large, Complex, Interesting and Enjoyable.

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