Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sac Sac Orange

This is another one that I picked up at that one Korean Convenience Store. I'm running low of sodas I haven't tried there.

This week I tried Sac Sac, another Hilariously Named soda. It's by the same brand that makes the Chilsung Cider. More info can be found here.


The can is a bit busy for my taste. With it's exploding oranges, and big graphics, and the logo and "new" stamp. The company could chill out a with the graphics. The pin striping in the background is cute. And I like the small cans. It holds just the right amount of soda.

Appeance Score

4/10 Meh


I really need to stop making assumptions before I drink. I thought this would be a substandard juice drink, like Hi-C punch or something. But its actually really excellent. You crack open the soda and it is Filled with pulp. And not just pulp, but whole segments of orange that you can pop with your teeth, and bits of zest. There is not much carbonation, or at least so minimal that I didn't notice, so all the mouth feel gets to focus on the floaty bits. And aside from the mouth feel, it tasted great. The flavor was light and sweet, a bit nectary. And the pulp and rind gave it a great, clearly-made-of-orange taste. It wasn't like orange juice in heaviness either. It was kind of the consistency of a diluted apple juice in terms of viscosity and taste density, if that makes any sense.

Taste Score

7/10 Absolutely Awesome. If you don't like pulp, you won't like it.


  1. Hi lily!
    I came across your blog because I accidentally purchased this drink and was to scared to try it. I get what you mean by the taste but it was not something I'm fond of. It's not bad! It reminds me of orange juice from Ecuador. I'm from Florida so I guess I'm picky on the taste of my oranges. Thanks for the post!

  2. Um, these are not carbonated. They are a juice drink not a soda
